Kevin Whitman's Blog

Tag: Jobs

Favorite Steve Jobs Quotations

Here are some of my Favorite quotations by Steve Jobs. I wrote under them my thoughts.

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.

This is from the Apple Think different advertising campaign. I think it’s a very true saying.  This is a very inspirational commercial. Most ads are never inspirational, this one is different.

This is a never before aired version of that commercial narrated by Steve Jobs. The one that aired was narrated by Richard Dreyfuss. I like the one narrated by Steve Jobs better. Continue reading

R.I.P Steve Jobs

Today on October 5th, Steve Jobs has passed away. A sad day. He was only 56. Steve Jobs inspired me and a lot of people. He left behind a lot of innovations like the Mac, iPod, iPhone and iPad. He built a major app ecosystem that helped small developers hit big. He stayed with Apple till he died. Can many other people say that stayed with the company they love till death, no. He was a very dedicated man. People back then thought personal computers would never work out and wanted him to give up. He didn’t, he kept in the game while everyone else thought his ideas wasn’t that great but he stuck with it and proved people wrong. Now look at Apple, the company he co-founded. A very profitable company. Steve did things most of us would not do. He took big risks. I think he did what he felt was right by his heart. He changed the whole technology world. I never knew Steve Jobs personally. Only what I read, watched and heard about him. I will miss his keynotes also. I already wanted to meet him in person or visit one of his keynotes in person. He seemed like a great and a unique guy.

Apple Homepage tribute to Steve Jobs

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Fake Steve Jobs Photo?

I’m an Apple fan. I don’t read TMZ but someone I follow tweeted out a link to a Photo of Steve Jobs. He looks very sick. The picture is below:

At first I thought “Oh Steve looks really bad and sick.” after seeing that picture. Thought maybe his friends was taking him home from a doctor visit. I even cried a little. I paused for a while and then I went on with my business. Wrote some content for iGeekable, watched a few YouTube videos and Did a video call. I kept wondering about his picture. I guess he even posed for them to take the picture according to a comment I was reading. Seems kind of unlike him? Looking at it again. I downloaded the image, and zoomed in. From far away it looks like he’s wearing shorts. I zoomed in.

They don’t really look like shorts, unless they were like twisted in some way which is a possibly, not denying that. It looks like he’s wearing a black dress. Continue reading

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