It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. Over a year in fact. A lot has happen in that time.

I’ve Been freelancing, playing around and experimenting with different ideas, dealt with drama between people, moved to a new place, and keeping myself busy. Worked on a bunch of projects all the way from a cleaning company site to one for a company that makes sensors for airplanes, trains, cars and more where I actually helped improve their internal search engine. Another thing I help do was stream line everything from the website to backend processes for a travel related company that helped result in last summer being their busiest season ever.

In my spare time my current focus is getting my very own mobile marketing agency going. I believe that I can help out small businesses grow and take advantage of mobile while I also get rewarded by doing so in this business. I’m not ready to open yet but hoping early 2015. I won’t be able to offer all the services I wan to right away like SMS marketing but my goal is to bootstrap my business and raise funds to do bigger projects like that over time.

Speaking of getting into mobile marketing, I updated this website to be mobile friendly.

IMG_0332As seen in the screen shot; Yes, I finally have a iPhone! Bought a used iPhone 4S and I’m using it on a prepaid plan. Didn’t want any expensive contracts!

I don’t really know what the future holds but I’m trying to stay positive and optimistic even though sometimes it can be really hard to do. I’m really hoping some day I can say I own a successful business. Also hoping some day I’ll have a committed relationship with someone special.

Anyways, that’s what I’ve been up to lately. Maybe I might actually start blogging more.