Hello! I’m Kevin, but I also go by Keverw. This is my personal blog. I’m a geek who want’s to be somebody successful. I am a twenty-something entrepreneur and developer interested in technology, photography, startups and more.

I’m really good at computers, technology, Tweeting, gadgets, thinking logically. I play around with Node.js, PHP, MySQL, jQuery, CSS, LESS and HTML, along with a bit of Objective-C and C#. I’m also addicted to the internet. I spend a lot of time thinking about business ideas, programming, technology, the world around me, things I’ve done, reflecting back on myself to see how I improved, being a good person, the future and where I want to go in life. On a typical Friday night, I’m either at home sitting on my computer writing code, relaxing while Skyping with friends or watching television, or some sort of combination of the above.

So I hope this sums it up and tells you more about me. Have any questions, or just want to chat? Contact me!

LAST UPDATED: Wednesday, Oct 25, 2014