Kevin Whitman's Blog

Tag: Industry

Dead and Dying Formats

The Apple iMac was one of the first computers to not include a floppy drive, and it used a CD drive. Current Macs you buy today has a CD/DVD SuperDrive, except the Air. No Macs has Blu-Ray. I think CD, DVD and Blu-ray are dead as the internet will replace them.

A iPad can’t watch a Blu-ray, nor can it run Flash or Java in the browser. So I think it shows both formats are dead. A iPad can’t have a disk drive, due to space limits. It can’t have Flash or Java due to poor performance and not being open. Most people will agree Flash isn’t open, but your like “Isn’t Java open”? I thought it was also, till I read this. People, Companies and the media don’t really care that the iPad can’t play disks, but they do seem to care about the Flash issue. You have lots of ways to get good content on to your iPad, buy them on iTunes. Watch lots of free and high quality content on YouTube like Smosh or DamonFizzy. Subscribe to a free Podcast on iTunes like Hak5 or Diggnation.

Flash isn’t open because i have to buy expensive authoring tools from Adobe, for example Flash Professional is 699 bucks! With HTML5, I can write my code in Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac, which is free with your operating system. I can download or buy authoring tools. I can get Notepad++, a really nice code editor which supports several programming languages I use, and its free! I can even buy HTML5 tools from Adobe if I wanted to, they sell Dreamweaver. Other tools exist to help me write HTML5 apps. Like jQuery, CSSEdit or others. Continue reading

The Motion Picture Industry makes me mad

I rent movies from Block Buster but now I’m pissed off big time. first of all some disks won’t allow you to skip your shitty ads. Now i noticed something new. On the movie Repo Man I wanted to watch the Unions Commercials and deleted scenes under bonus Features but i got a black screen with white text with a message that said

“This disk is intended for rental purposes and only includes the feature film.

Own it on Blu-Ray™ or DVD to view theses bonus features and complete your movie watching experience.”

Now I’m not sure if this is only Universal Pictures or the whole industry. But from what i seen so far, The Motion Picture Industry likes to act as a whole and is like a cult. Like most people I won’t want to watch a movie over and over unless it’s really great like Avatar or The Social network(I am going to buy it on DVD in Jan when its said to come out). I like to rent my movies on DVD because I can watch it in the comfort on the couch in my own living room, movie theater seats aren’t that comfy.

I also like to check bonus features. I don’t believe iTunes, Blockbuster online or Netflix Rentals online allow that, but if they do correct me. I know for sure Time Warner Cable On demand rentals don’t have bonus features. So I like to have a physical disk for bonus features. So if you not going to give me any bonus features on rentals, well I guess I won’t be renting any more movies and boycott big movie studios all together, unless it’s a really good movie people talk about.

There is a lot of free legal content like Revision3, YouTube, Web Originals on Clicker and more. Remember big movie studios, you aren’t the only ones who can produce great content. AppleAdobe and more makes tools for us to produce content.  I am a pissed off customer of yours. So I hope you take this feedback and clean up your act. As time goes by and equipment becomes better and cheaper, you will start to see even better content made by small studios. So consider this your one and only warning that you need to clean up your act.  The Music Industry has learned they had to clean up their act and they did. Its your turn now movie Industry.

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