When I was younger and uneducated I believed in god because my mom did and she called her self a christian but we never went to church. Back then I thought going to church would be cool but my step dad was like church is just about money and crap. I thought he was crazy, but he said believing in god is all that matters no church needed. Plus you shall not kill or steal. I would pray sometimes at night before but I never really made it in to a habit. Most of the times I would ask god for a new toy. I thought of him like some magical creature. None of the toys I asked for magically showed up when I woke up. I put god and santa in the same category. I kind of started disbelieving in him but other people told me I was doing it wrong, you don’t ask him for stuff. Plus family told me he’s real because he’s the only reason this earth and I exists. Continue reading