Kevin Whitman's Blog

Tag: programming

LSL Serving Robot Tutorial – Part 1

I started to work on this in 2007. You could only pick 4 items from the pay menu, each had its own price.

 So lets rewrite the script! We are going to create a new LSL Script and add a on_rez event to reset the when you rez the bot out of inventory. You should a script that looks like the following:

[code lang="lsl2"]
		llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");

	touch_start(integer total_number)
		llSay(0, "Touched.");

	on_rez(integer start_param)


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How I got into programming

It started back in the sixth grade. I really wanted to get into programming and creating websites. I would find free web hosts. I had a site up, a few days later my site disappeared. All It had been embedded games. So I went to the main hosting site and it was gone also! Then I found another free host which had a nice web based editor. I made the site I had on the other host, again from scratch. I didn’t know about backing up back then. So once I had the site created again, the next day at school I told some classmates about it. It was a sub domain. I told them the web address. Some of them mistyped the address. It took them to an adult site, I didn’t even know about it. So I never really liked free hosting, and I don’t think I will. Sub domains are really ugly and not full control over my site is also not a good thing.

I wanted to learn more about coding, the free website builders seemed like it lacked features. So I thought maybe if I learn how to code, I could do more, and it was true. Html seemed very basic and a good starting point. I went to the library and got a few html books. I flipped around and got to the forms section then I wanted to create a version of Office for the web. I was going to use a text area, I didn’t know about rich text JavaScript editors for the document area. Also this was before I seen web based office programs. Continue reading

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