Kevin Whitman's Blog

Month: January 2012

My first open source project, Random Quotes

One of my friend wanted a random quotes. So I turned the idea in to a real script.

So since the idea seemed simple I wrote the script on and off about 3 days. I normally don’t work on scripts for other things because I really need to focus on Viewashi. We also decided to open source it. Great way to show my coding skills to others. On the user interface I used some tables and inline styles just as I was rushing and I hate coding user interfaces. Continue reading

Rules for iOS device upgrades

wpid-Photo-Jan-16-2012-948-AM.jpgAs most of us know Apple comes out with a new iOS device about every year. Some people feel like their current iOS device is slower or crap when a new device comes out and rushes to buy the newer one. Some of us wait.

I would buy a new one right away if I had the money. So here are some rules I set for myself.

For iPad and iPod Touch

For iPod Touch’s and iPad’s I would recommend upgrading them every 2 or 3 years or Apple no longer provides software updates.

For iPhone

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I got an iPad!

I recently got an iPad 2 as an early graduation present from my wonderful grandparents.

My iPad 2!This is my first tablet computer. After using it for a few days. It’s amazing. I haven’t been this excited about an Apple product since I got my first Mac. Continue reading

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